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Desert Locust Overview

2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997

see details

  • 8 January: Situation deteriorates in West Africa and Saudi Arabia
  • 17 December: Swarms form in Mauritania and bands in Saudi Arabia
  • 2 December: Hatching starts in NW Africa; laying on eastern Red Sea coast
  • 24 November: Swarms cross the Red Sea, widespread breeding in NW Africa
  • 17 November: Adult groups move into northern Mauritania and lay
  • 10 November: Small swarms move into southern Morocco
  • 7 November: Outbreaks continue in Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Sudan
  • 28 October: Swarm reported in Saudi Arabia; unusually heavy rains
  • 17 October: ALERT! Outbreaks in Mauritania, Niger and Sudan
  • 3 October: Potential outbreak developing in Niger
  • 4 September: Locust numbers slowly increasing in summer breeding areas
  • 5 August: Locust numbers expected to increase in summer breeding areas
  • 2 July: Breeding conditions improve in West Africa where scattered locusts are present
  • 3 June: Good rains started in some summer breeding areas; calm locust situation
  • 7 May: Situation remains calm
  • 16 April: Situation remains calm
  • 4 March: Situation calm, heavy rains in southern Pakistan
  • 3 February: Situation calm
  • 9 January: Situation calm


A service provided by the Migratory Pests Group to monitor the world-wide locust situation and keep
affected countries and donors informed of expected developments

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Italy

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© FAO,2003