How to view the Uweinat photos

On the Main Page with the satellite image map, click once on any of the photos or the underlined text to view an index page of small photos. A new window will open.

You can also go to the Slideshow Index Page.

One the Index Page of small photos, you have two possibilities: (1) click once on any of the photos to see the full-sized photo, or (2) click on the "Q" to view a Quicktime slideshow of the photos (you can save this slideshow to your computer or view it online). In order to view the slides, you must have the free software Quicktime installed on your computer (click on the link to download and install this program).

On the Full Sized Photo Page, you have three possibilities: (1) cick once on "Previous" to go to the previous full-sized photo, (2) click once on "Next" to go the next full-sized photo, or (3) click once on the photo itself to return to the Index Page of small photos. Close the window when you are finished and you will see the Main Page with the satellite image map.

The survey

On 17-23 January 2001, a survey was carried out in southeastern Libya where there was an unusual outbreak of Desert Locust near Jebel Uweinat and the Sudanese/Egyptian border in early 1999. The purpose of the mission was to analyze the reasons for the outbreak in order to better understand Desert Locust migration and population dynamics. The twenty member team from four countries camped at Jebel Uweinat in Karkur Bouhalaga. The photos were taken by Keith Cressman, FAO Locust Forecasting Officer, using a Sony Mavica MVC FD90 digital camera and processed on an Apple Macintosh G4.

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