FAO National Training Course on Desert Locust Survey & Control
Mirpurkhas (Sindh), Pakistan
10-16 July 2000



click on the photo to enlarge


Survey trainer (Keith Cressman, FAO) explaining the basic elements of survey.


Learning how to use a map.


Completing a map reading exercise.


Demonstrating how to use maps when surveying for locusts.


Chosing which equipment to take on a survey.


Field survey exercise in the summer breeding area of Khipro Desert.


Surveying for artificial hopper bands in the desert.


An artificial hopper band delimited by urea.


Discussion after the completion of the survey exercise in the field.


click on the photo to enlarge


Control trainer (Hans Dobson, NRI) demostrating a handheld sprayer.


Explanation of a field exercise on sprayer swath width.


Spraying water during the swath width field exercise.


Collecting and recording wind speed data during a field exercise.


Spraying (water) downwind during the a control exercise.


Retreaving water sensitive papers that collect droplets for determination of swath width.


Counting droplets to determine the swath width of a handheld and vehicle-mounted sprayers.


Calibrating handheld sprayers used in locust control.


Calibrating vehicle-mounted sprayers used in locust control.


Treating an artificial band in the field using a handheld sprayer (and water).
