Workshop on grassland and forage based systems for mitigation of climate change

FAO, Rome, 15-17 April 2009

Pasture systems occupy 40% of the world land areas but are currently excluded from carbon trading despite their significant potential for emission reduction/carbon storage. Pasture production systems, including pastoral, agro-pastoral and agro-forestry areas, emit carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Pastoral systems are also important to the wider society as they play a major role in improving food security, rural livelihoods and sustainability of land resources management.

A workshop will be held to take stock of the most important global information related to the contribution of grasslands and pasture based systems to GHG emission reduction and C sink.

Some 25 world experts (including scientists, representatives of civil society, and policy makers) will establish the current state of scientific information related to grassland and forage systems carbon sequestration and its importance in both the efforts to mitigate and adapt to global climate change.

Focus will be on the role and potential of LDC countries to contribute to restoration of grassland and forestry ecosystems, and on existing information related to the cost of different grassland and forage based systems, and agro-forestry management practices that contribute to rehabilitation of degraded land.

The meeting will gather information on available data related to the contribution of grasslands and agroforestry to GHG emission reduction and C sink in different agroecological zones and under different management techniques.

For information contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
