Research4Life Partners Commit to Free and Low Cost Access Through 2025

30 يوليو 2018

Over 85,000 resources available to researchers, doctors, NGOs and policymakers to boost evidence based research, healthcare, policymaking and global justice.

Washington DC, USA, July 24, 2018

The Research4Life partners announced today that they have agreed to extend their partnership through 2025. Research4Life ( currently provides over 8,500 institutions in more than 100 developing countries with free or low cost access to peer-reviewed eResources from the world’s leading scholarly publishers. The renewed commitment will ensure that the nearly 85,000 peer reviewed academic journals, books and databases from some 200 scholarly publishers available through the public-private Research4life partnership will continue to reach research communities in low- and middle-income countries.

Daniel M. Dollar, Chair of the Research4Life Executive Committee and Associate University Librarian for Collections, Preservation, and Digital Scholarship at Yale University Library, said, “The partnership’s overwhelming support to extend the Research4Life mandate to 2025 recognizes the programme’s success in reducing the knowledge gap between high, middle, and low income countries through capacity building and affordable access to scholarly, professional and research information. Research4Life is a shining example of public and private organizations coming together with a shared vision of the power of information to improve people’s lives.”

One of the beneficiaries of Research4life, Dr. Alice Matimba, a researcher and senior lecturer at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Zimbabwe, transformed the treatment offered to patients diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy and other eye complications by successfully advocating for a policy of investment in the advanced technology and services needed to tackle the burden of diabetes in Zimbabwe. She notes, “Thanks to Research4Life for providing digital access to evidence-based scientific information, we were finally capable of doing a review of the literature which confirmed our hypothesis. It enabled flexibility of research ideas which would lead to solutions. We were able to find the best literature suited for our needs.”

Richelle Van Snellenberg, GOALI Programme Manager and Head of the ILO Library in Geneva, “As the newest Research4Life programme which seeks to improve access to legal information in developing countries, and ultimately social justices, GOALI would like to underscore our admiration and commitment to this longstanding and effective public private access partnership across so many critical UN Sustainable Development Goal priorities.”

“It is rewarding to see that the Research4Life partners are working closely together and strengthening the partnership further with a mandate extended to 2025. The Research4Life programmes are an important source of knowledge for researchers in developing countries around the globe. In the AGORA programme, we have supported agricultural research in middle- and low-income countries since 2003 and are happy to continue providing training and access to information to the many institutions that are eligible to benefit from the partnership,” says Imma Subirats, AGORA Programme Manager, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Richard Gedye, Director of Outreach Programmes for the International Association of Scientific, Technical, Medical Publishers (STM), “As the Research4Life publisher liaison, it is a pleasure to reinforce publishers’ deep commitment to Research4Life and its mission to bridge the digital divide for researchers, policymakers, legal scholars and healthcare professionals. Our collaboration speaks for itself: over the past 17 years, we have helped to grow the research available in Research4Life from 1500 journals to 85,000 peer reviewed resources.”

Research4Life is a public-private partnership of the WHO, FAO, UNEP, WIPO, ILO, Cornell and Yale Universities, the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers and up to 175 international publishers. The goal of Research4Life is to reduce the knowledge gap between high-income countries and low- and middle-income countries by providing affordable access to scholarly, professional and research information. Since 2002, the five programmes – Research in Health (Hinari), Research in Agriculture (AGORA), Research in the Environment (OARE), Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) and Research for Global Justice (GOALI) – have provided researchers at more than 8500 institutions in more than 115 low- and middle-income countries with free or low-cost online access to up to 85,000 leading journals and books in the fields of health, agriculture, environment, and applied sciences.

Original Press Release: 


لتصلك نشرات إخبارية عن أنشطة إدارة المعلومات الخاصة بمنظمة AGORA ومنظمة الأغذية والزراعة