AGORA’s database of journals, books and papers has never been fuller

15 Feb 2016

AGORA’s database of journals, books and papers has never been fuller 

If you caught our blog post back in October then you’ll know that along with our colleagues at Cornell University’s Mann Library, we’ve spent a busy year adding new titles to AGORA

283 new titles in the first half of 2015 alone were added, and these came from major publishers -  Taylor and Francis, Science Research Publishing, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, BioOne, Sage Publishing, Oxford University Press and Springer, to name a few. 

The second half of the year continued apace with 150 new e-books added from July to now. These were all new books, published last year by Elsevier and John Wiley & Sons.

Meanwhile, our selection of e-journals is growing exponentially, with 1000 new titles added in the last six months. The vast majority of these were Directory of Open Journals (DOAJ) - 780 with an assigned subject of “Agriculture” were added in December 2015, and we’ll be adding more DOAJ journals automatically on a regular basis.  

A further 220 of the journals came from publishers like Elsevier, John Wiley & Sons, Oxford University Press, Sage Publications, and Taylor & Francis. 

increased academic papers too, with 400 agricultural-related documents from Oxfam now in the database, added in October 2015. 

2016 is shaping up to be just as productive. Expect to discover around 200 new e-books and 300 new e-journals going forward.  

Don’t forget that you can access this wealth of resources quickly and easily through AGORA’s Summon search engine.


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