INASP offering free Search Strategies Tutorial

27 mai 2021

INASP is offering an open educational resource called the Search Strategies Tutorial. The free, open access  tutorial is designed to help policy-makers, practitioners, students and anyone else looking for information online to enhance their skills in defining a specific search strategy and conducting online searches more efficiently. 

The tutorial helps participants to:

  • Clearly define and describe search topic
  • Identify suitable search terms
  • Pick the best platform(s) on which to search
  • Use tools and techniques to refine and modify a search

Past participants of the tutorial have said:

"The materials provided in the tutorial readings were enough to help me understand, build my knowledge and skills and also under the quiz with minimum struggles. I didn't have to go looking for reading materials to understand any complex words or literature. The explanations and examples were apt and easy to comprehend."

"I really appreciate that there is this kind of course which is more beneficial than just watching tutorial videos. It can directly be applicable in my context so I have shared the information to my colleagues."

More information and registration details are available here.


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