Reminder: Call for Good Practices, Achievements and Lessons Learned

22 أبريل 2020

Utilizing Scientific Information and Digital Data on Food and Agriculture via AIMS Community Assets

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)’s Scientific Information and Digital Data for Innovation team through the Agricultural Information Management Standards (AIMS) is calling for submissions of good practices, success stories and lessons learned after utilizing scientific information and digital data on food and agriculture via one, or multiple of the innovative tools or education initiatives available through the AIMS online platform. 

This call for submissions includes use cases of utilizing AIMS’ innovative access to information, data, knowledge and education assets including: 

  • AGRIS, the Link to Worldwide Scientific Agricultural Information and Data;
  • AGROVOC; The Linked Data Concept Hub for Food and Agriculture;
  • AGORA; Access to Global Online Research in Food and Agriculture;
  • And Strengthening the capacity of individuals, organizations and enabling the environment to produce, manage, exchange and re-use knowledge, information and research data, through Online Courses Webinars, and the IGAD at the Research Data Alliance.

The goal of this call for submissions is to empower AIMS community members to share experiences, solutions, lessons learned and recommendations on various digital food and agriculture relevant topics. Share submissions here.

Call Dates: 23 March - 24 April 2020

Selected submissions will be published and shared to AIMS Community members via the online platform, as well as distributed through the AIMS social media channels. The main goal is to allow members to share good practices and successful experiences that have potential to be utilized by other members of the community. 

For more information contact [email protected].


لتصلك نشرات إخبارية عن أنشطة إدارة المعلومات الخاصة بمنظمة AGORA ومنظمة الأغذية والزراعة