Open Enrollment now available for AuthorAID’s 'Research Writing in the Social Sciences' online course from 8 June – 26 July 2021

21 Mayo 2021

AuthorAID is set to offer a third round of the impactful 'Research Writing in the Social Sciences' online course from 8 June – 26 July 2021. After the success of the course in 2019 and 2020, AuthorAID is pleased to offer this course a third time for researchers in developing countries working in the social sciences. 

The course is extremely useful and impactful for new researchers to the field and/or those with limited experience in publishing papers in peer-reviewed journals. 

Main topics covered in the course:  

  • Unit 1 / Week 1: Embarking on a research project 
  • Unit 2 / Week 2: Doing and reporting research ethically 
  • Unit 3 / Week 3: Developing an evidence base for your research 
  • Unit 4 / Week 4: Preparing to write your research paper 
  • Unit 5 / Week 5: Writing your research paper 
  • Unit 6 / Week 6: Publishing your paper in a peer-reviewed journal 

Course Duration: 7 weeks (estimates 5 hours per week) 

Open enrollment is available now by visiting the INASP Moodle website. More information is available here


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