Free Access to Premier Online Cereal Science Textbook

12 jan 2015

From AACCI (American Association of Cereal Chemists International): University food science classes throughout the world are now getting free online access to the planet’s premier cereal science text: Principles of Cereal Science and Technology, Third Edition, thanks to the generous corporate support of the Kellogg Company. This free access is for classes ranging from traditional cereal chemistry courses to classes on cereals utilization, agricultural science, crop quality, process engineering and technology, and others at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Through greater and more widespread adoption of this important text, AACCI is trying to

  • Increase the number of food science courses that teach cereals
  • Attract a larger, higher quality pool of scientists and professionals to the grains industry
  • Help ensure food security in developing nations

University professors who wish to adopt the free online version of this textbook, which is available for access to students and professors who utilize at least one chapter, should fill out this form (link below) and send it to [email protected]


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