Workshop on Global Access to Online Information in Agricultural Research in Egypt

29 мар 2018


FAO is working with several partners to facilitate awareness, to foster capacity development activities, and to make agriculture and nutrition data available, accessible and usable to contribute to enhanced food security and good nutrition. Two national workshops were recently held in Cairo aimed at enhancing access and use of resources available on AGORA and Research4Life. The workshops were funded by the Research4Life Capacity Development Team and by FAO.

Goal and Objectives

The workshops on AGORA and Research4Life were hosted by the National Agricultural Research Centre (ARC) of Egypt and organized by the AGORA team with FAO Egypt. Participation in the workshop was by invitation from FAO Egypt, and participants included research scientists, ministry staff, professors and and lecturers. About 125 participants attended the two half day workshops. FAO Egypt provided invaluable support in logistics and invitations.

The two half-day training workshops on Access to Online Information in Agriculture Research were held specifically for researchers and lecturers in food, agriculture and rural development, and selected information professionals. The training included presentations and demonstration of tools for online information retrieval, practical exercises, and discussions in plenary session. The training focused on:

  • Access to information in agricultural research, particularly through the Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) programme and Research4Life
  • Options for information search


The key outcomes from the workshops were:

  • Enhanced skills among researchers and lecturers on accessing resources via AGORA.
  • AGORA and Research4Life have four new registrations from Egypt so far


News coverage


Автоматизированная рассылка Информационных Бюллетеней о деятельности по управлению знаниями AGORA и ФАО