New Journal titles added to AGORA

27 Oct 2015

The Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) programme provides access to up to 6,100 journals from the world’s leading academic publishers. The AGORA team in conjunction with Mann Library at Cornell University oversees the content addition. From January to July 2015, 283 new journal titles have been added. These came from major publishers such as Taylor and Francis, Science Research Publishing, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, BioOne, Sage Publishing, Taylor & Francis, Oxford University Press and Springer. Currently, content from up to 140 publishers' content is included via the AGORA programme.

Developments on journal portal: Once a user is logged on to the AGORA platform, a new icon to the journal platform that indicates NEW is being implemented so that users can tell which new journal titles have been added. This icon will be maintained against each title for 30 days to promote the new journal titles.

For a journal to be included in AGORA, the main requirements are that the publications be in the field of agriculture and life sciences, be peer-reviewed, and that they be available online in their full text. There are further technical details such as the journals should have an ISSN, however for more details in submitting content write to agora AT

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