4 July : New Authentication System for AGORA login "goes-live" online !

3 июл 2017

Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) team is pleased to inform you that the Research4Life programmes - including AGORA  - will receive a new authentication system on 4 July 2017! The link to access AGORA login will change with the new system.  

As you may already know, to access resources through the AGORA programme, a login is required.

The link to the authentication page will be changed with the implementation of the new Research4Life authentication system on 4 July.

To that end, Research4Life partnership is going to:

  • take care of the link on the content portals via an update from the Digital Agency for International Development (Aptivate) scheduled for 4 July;
  • set up a redirect for anyone with bookmarks or for sites where the link is not yet updated, an attempt to connect to the old link will be redirected to the new link.
From 4 July, the new URL to Research4Life is going to be:  http://login.research4life.org

As the new Research4Life authentication system will be rolled out to all Research4Life databases with a “one-tap authentication”,  AGORA users will be able to search and browse content from all  Research4Life programmes (they are registered to*) - with one login !

* NOTE:  new users still have to Register to Research4Life Programmes separately:

Read Register to AGORA and start using its content

# Watch: What you need to know about AGORA 

With the new autentification system, all Research4Life users will enjoy: 

  • Secure Login and more stable access;  
  • More comfortable login process - as authentication will be faster and, of course ...
  • Enhanced user experience !

In case access problems are occurring throughout, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:

AGORA team will be pleased to assist you!

Research4Life programmes include:

1.  Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) coordinated by FAO

2.  Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative (HINARI) coordinated by WHO

3.  Online Access to Research in the Environment (OARE) coordinated by UNEP

4.   Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) coordinated by WIPO



Автоматизированная рассылка Информационных Бюллетеней о деятельности по управлению знаниями AGORA и ФАО