AGORA and Research4Life at the 5th E-LIBRARY congress in Honduras

10 дек 2018

From the 21st till the 22nd of November more than 200 librarians from universities Honduras, gathered at the Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH) in Tegucigalpa, to discuss how the progress made in the ICT sector can be of greater benefit for information and knowledge management, capacity development and research. Librarians play a crucial link between the libraries, the technologies and the researchers. This congress offered the opportunity to learn, exchange and discuss the opportunities and challenges the new technologies bring to the libraries.

On the second day of the congress, participants, could choose from a range of workshops among which two sessions of the AGORA and Research4Life workshop, delivered by FAO. Librarians from various universities and different cities in the country learned about the Research4Life programmes and put knowledge into practice in one of the technology-labs from the university. Many participants were not yet familiar with the programme and were very satisfied to discover its resources and the opportunities it can bring to the users of the libraries in the universities.


Автоматизированная рассылка Информационных Бюллетеней о деятельности по управлению знаниями AGORA и ФАО