Enhancing Article Findability in Agricultural Sciences with AGROVOC Thesaurus

On 22 May 2024, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) hosted a webinar to demonstrate to Research4Life and AGORA users how to improve article findability with controlled vocabulary. Nearly 200 participants from 80 countries attended the highly impactful webinar, which focused on FAO's valuable multilingual controlled vocabulary, AGROVOC, and was titled “Enhancing Article Findability in Agricultural Sciences with AGROVOC Thesaurus.”

The primary objective of the webinar was to provide participants with in-depth strategies for optimising the findability of data with controlled vocabularies. The webinar served as an invaluable opportunity for participants to gain a comprehensive understanding of controlled vocabularies and their significance in organising and retrieving information in agricultural sciences, learn about the hierarchical structure of AGROVOC, including concepts, preferred terms, and relationships, and understand how to leverage AGROVOC to improve the findability and visibility of articles in agricultural sciences.

A key highlight of the webinar was a live demonstration showcasing how to develop effective search strategies using AGROVOC and how to seamlessly integrate them into the research workflow.



Автоматизированная рассылка Информационных Бюллетеней о деятельности по управлению знаниями AGORA и ФАО