NSP - Senna occidentalis




Family: Fabaceae

Synonym: Cassia occidentalis L

Common names : stinking weed, miki palaoa, hedionda, bucho, pico de pájaro, furrusca, bois puante

Originally from Tropical America, annual, branched herb or a woody annual shrub; compound alternate leaves, pinnately divided; ovate-lanceolate leaflets of 4-5 pairs; flowers yellow, 5-parted; fruit flattened; four-angled young stems becoming rounded when old; pods brown and, flat, up to 10 cm long. The plant produces a hard root with relatively few laterals. Life cycle of 9-12 months depending on temperature regimes, longer cycles in temperate areas. Common in fertile cultivated areas or in disturbed areas and waste areas. High stands seen in heavily-grazed pastures. Extracts or powdered leaves are used for several medicinal purposes as an analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, febrifuge, insecticidal and others.

Countries: Cuba


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