NSP - Information Resources
The Plant Production and Protection Division established or currently maintains the following specific databases/information systems:
The Crop Calendar provides information about sowing and planting seasons and agronomic practices of the crops grown by farmers in a particular agro-ecological zone. It is a tool developed to assist farmers, extension workers, civil society and the private sector to be able to access and make available quality seeds of specific crop varieties for a particular agro-ecological zone at the appropriate sowing/planting season. It can be used by development-aid workers in the planning and implementation of seed relief and rehabilitation activities following natural or human-led disasters. Furthermore, the Crop Calendar can serve as a quick reference tool in selecting crop varieties to adapt to changing weather patterns accelerated by climate change. The Crop Calendar database is being maintained in three languages at a regional level and is based on inputs from member countries. The Crop Calendar database currently covers 43 African countries and contains information on more than 130 crops, located in 283 agro-ecological zones.
Identify a suitable crop for a specified environment, identify a crop with a specific habit of growth, identify crop for a defined use or look up the environmental requirements and uses of a given crop. A tool with the aim to foster the implementation of the Global Plan of Action by providing access to a wide range of information, including funding sources, regarding activities in the field of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA). The portal offers a set of databases with information on funding programmes, projects, institutions and networks, germplasm databases and sources of information. The Global Partnership Initiative for Plant Breeding Capacity Building (GIPB) is a multi-party initiative of knowledge institutions around the world that have a track record in supporting agricultural research and development, working in partnership with country programmes committed to developing stronger and effective plant breeding capacity. The site featuring a country-driven and flexible process to share information on the implementation of the Global Plan of Action among a wide range of national stakeholders, aiming to improve the efficiency of resource utilization. It includes a list of indicators for monitoring the implementation of GPA at country level, a questionnaire based on such indicators, and a computer application aimed to facilitate and simplify data recording, processing, analysis and sharing of the information addressed by the questionnaire The website for the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) contains information that is relevant to the movement of plants and plant products across international boundaries i.e. this is partly relevant to trade, aid and the movement of germplasm. This website contains all information that is relevant to the work programme of the IPPC such as the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs), the glossary for phytosanitary terms, meeting documents and reports. In addition, it contains the official national information on IPPC contact points, phytosanitary legislation & regulations, pest reports, lists of regulated pests, ports of entry with restrictions and emergency actions. Relevant information related to the Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs) is also available. The website is available in most FAO languages. Database on performances of horticulture cultivars in relation to agro-ecological conditions, cultivation practices, the occurrence of pests and diseases and timing of the production. Locust Watch - Desert Locust: A service provided by the Desert Locust Information Service (AGP) to monitor the world-wide Desert Locust situation and keep affected countries and donors informed of expected developments.
Locust Watch in Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA): This website provides information on the three locust pests in CCA - the Italian Locust, the Moroccan Locust and the Migratory Locust, their current situations and management. It presents responses at national and regional levels, latest methods and techniques for survey and control and updates on ongoing activities. As such, it is intended both as a specialized and communication tool for locust specialists, decision-makers and other partners to promote sustainable locust management and develop regional cooperation. It is available in English and in Russian.
A global monitoring system for wheat rust diseases, currently focused on the Ug99 lineage of stem rust. Rust SPORE provides up to date information on disease incidence and the current status of stem rust pathotypes. The site is available in English, Arabic and Russian. The World Information and Early Warning System (WIEWS) on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA), has been established by FAO as a world-wide dynamic mechanism to foster information exchange among Member Countries, by gathering and disseminating information on PGRFA, and as an instrument for the periodic assessment of the state of the world's PGRFA. |
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