FAO Country Pasture Profiles Reach 100

One hundred profiles are now available in the FAO Country Pasture Profile database. Developed to make available basic information about the pasture and forage resources of countries, each profile provides a broad overview of relevant general, topographical, climatic and agro-ecological information with focus on livestock production systems and the pasture/forage resource as well as information about key institutions and personnel, with their current research interests, and key references.

The most recent profile added is that for the United States of America (USA) which was prepared by 26 authors and 2 editors, as well as many contributors, and is very comprehensive, containing a wealth of information. Canada is also a recent addition  as are profiles for: Australia, Belgium, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, and New Zealand.

Visit the website for more information.

Additional profiles are under preparation, including those for France, Liberia, Sierra Leone and The Netherlands.

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