
Tool for assessing value of pollination services and national vulnerabilities to pollinator declines

FAO's Plant Production and Protection Division, in collaboration with INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, a national government agency) has developed a tool for assessing the value of pollination services and national vulnerabilities to pollinator declines....[Leer más]

Pollination Information Management System launched

FAO's Plant Production and Protection Division has launched a new website for its "Global Action on Pollination Services for Sustainable Agriculture".In addition to documents, case studies and glossary, this website also provides an interactive internet resource, the Pollination...[Leer más]

Rapid Assessment of Pollinators' Status: A Contribution to the International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Pollinators

Pollinators are essential for orchard, horticultural and forage production, as well as the production of seed for many root and fibre crops. Nonetheless, mounting evidence points to a potentially serious decline in populations of pollinators under agricultural development. The...[Leer más]

New ecosystem approach based project: wild pollinators for food production

FAO is coordinating a United Nations Environment Programme/Global Environment Facility (UNEP/GEF) project worth $26.45 million to better manage those aspects of wild biodiversity that provide pollination services for human livelihood. The five-year project, entitled,...[Leer más]

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