NSP - Improved weed management

Improved Weed Management

Participants at National Training on Weed Management at Kpalimé, Togo (June 2001, TCP/TOG/0065).

National Training course on Weed Management at Kpalimé, Togo. (June 2001, TCP/TOG/0065).

Sweet potato an excellent to smoother several perennial and annual grass weeds.

Cynodon dactylon infestation in reclaimed areas of Egypt .

The weed was brought with introduced manure in the area.

Cyperus rotundus easily breaks polyethylene mulch.

Chromolaena odorata controlled with the release of the insect Paraechetes pseudoinsulata in Kumasi , Ghana .

Field heavily infested by Parthenium hystesophoms, Ethiopia.

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