Grass and Cyperaceae weeds rooting on water hyacinth dense stand in Lake Kyoga, Uganda.
Mechanical harvesting of water hyacinth in Lake Victoria, Uganda
Cyperus papyrus plants rooting on water hyacinth stand, Lake Kyoga, Uganda.
Eichhornia azurea, the sister of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). E. azurea prevail in many areas of Pantanal, Brazil.
Water hyacinth in Southern part of Vietnam. Here the plant is largely used for pig feeding.
Pigs eating water hyacinth. Dam in Tula, Mexico.
Cattle eating water hyacinth. Dam in Tula, Mexico.
Removal of water hyacinth at Sotuba power station in Mali.
Removal of water hyacinth in areas closed to Sotuba power station in Mali.
Part of removed water hyacinth mass in Sotuba power station in Mali
Unit for rearing Neochetina weevils in the research station
Mulching with dry water hyacinth mass in onions, Bamako, Mali.
Unit for rearing biocontrol agents against water weeds in the station at La Me, Côte D'Ivoire.
Pools show stand of water hyacinth and water lettuce, where Neochetina and Neohydronomus affinis weevils are reared.
Station at La Me, Côte D'Ivoire, pools for rearing Cyrtobagous salviniae weevils for the control of water fern.
Salvinia molesta in Niger River, Mali.
Participants at the training course (March 2001) on aquatic weed control conducting sampling of water hyaconth plants infested by Neochetina weevils in Niger River, Mali. (TCP/RAF/0071).
Participants at the Training course on Aquatic Weed Control (TCP/RAF/0173 - Salvinia control in Senegal River).
Participants at the Training course (june 2001) on Aquatic weed control conducting weed survey at a site closed to Ladré (Côte d'Ivoire). (TCP/RAF/0173).