Future Actions

Future Actions



The Consultation participants urged future actions in terms of the diversity of systems and approaches that include:


1.    FAO to host a global partnership platform for a ‘community of practice’ for stakeholders working under a commonly defined set of goals and regional and system specific priorities to: promote and advance integrated croplivestock-tree systems, in hot spots where there is good potential, through enhanced awareness creation, knowledge exchange and management, capacity development, research, development actions, and advocacy.

2.    Work in equitable and empowering partnerships leading to regular communication to promote multi stakeholder dialog, including the voices of small farmers’ organizations

3.    Catalysis of inter-institutional communication among agriculture, livestock, forestry and environment agencies, the civil society partners including the private sectors, and national and international decision-making bodies to facilitate coordination of support for the promotion and intensification of IC-LS.

4.    Strengthen national agricultural research and extension institutions for working on IC-LSD.

5.    Facilitation of collaborative pilot projects that build upon existing institutional efforts.

6.    Advocate for public and private investments in the supporting structures, including through the involvement of NGOs, necessary for promoting and scaling of IC-LS practices. This should be supported by effective policy dialogue that gets policy-makers engaged and involves an analysis of policy issues and measures.

7.    Promote collective action by small and medium producers to enhance competitiveness, the capture of economies of scale and sustainability.