The Way Forward

Suggested next steps:



·         Review evidence of successful (and unsuccessful) integration including those of small and medium holders and highlight lessons learned and disseminate case study results through state of the art documents that describe factors leading to integration, body of evidence that makes the case in regional and specific settings on what are the priority quick wins, where smallholders would likely have a real advantage. A network for monitoring environmental services, including methodology development, should be established.

·         Ensure coverage of knowledge and information in a portal clearing house and build in multiple language capabilities as soon as possible.

·         Enhance the inclusion of farmers, private sector, development practitioners, local authorities, and others to ensure a broader regional and stakeholder representation.

·         Promote innovation platforms that link various actors (e.g. food processors, market managers, financiers, transport providers etc) across value chains.

·         Consider sub-theme working groups in subject areas such as joint project preparation, scaling strategies, advocacy, on-farm operational research and monitoring, global and local policies.

·         Conservation Agriculture based production systems seem to be top priority for many agroecologies for developing synergies between livestock and the CA practices. Pilot studies need to be initiated under different ecologies, for example, drylands, moist savannahs, irrigated/intensive production and hilly regions etc., to illustrate how functional biomass can be managed in a win-win manner.