NSP - ITWG-PGR 12th Session

  ITWG-PGR 1st Session ITWG-PGR 2nd Session ITWG-PGR 3rd Session
  ITWG-PGR 4th Session ITWG-PGR 5th Session ITWG-PGR 6th Session  
  ITWG-PGR 7th Session ITWG-PGR 8th Session ITWG-PGR 9th Session  
  ITWG-PGR 10th Session ITWG-PGR 11th Session ITWG-PGR 12th Session  

Twelfth Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on
Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

10 – 12 December 2024

Letter of invitation
