Economía Agroalimentaria

Hand-in-Hand mission to Cuba explores key investment opportunities in agriculture


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recently carried out a mission to Cuba that delved into the island nation's burgeoning agricultural sector, unveiling a series of investment initiatives aimed at boosting the country's agricultural productivity and food availability. The mission, conducted within the framework of the Hand-in-Hand Initiative (HIHI), was accompanied by representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture including Vice Minister Mauri Echeberria, and held meetings with the Minister of Agriculture and the Vice Prime Minister Jorge LuisTapia. As a result, significant agreements were made, paving the way for strategic collaborations and investment ventures.

In the lead-up to the third edition of the Hand-in-Hand Investment Forum, which will be held in October in Rome, Cuba is preparing four investment proposals, focusing on increasing production of staple grains, essential for sustaining livestock farming, including dairy and meat production processes.

Additionally, investment notes will highlight the significance of rice, soybeans, and citrus fruits, leveraging Cuba's significant comparative advantages. Emphasis will also be placed on investment opportunities in the sugarcane economy, underlining circular economy and bioeconomy principles.

During the mission, meetings with the AZCUBA Sugar Group and other agricultural businesses from regions near Havana were also conducted. Technical agreements for investment concentration, prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture for the four investment proposals, were deliberated upon. Vice Prime Minister Tapia, who played a pivotal role in these discussions, will also represent Cuba at the 38 FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and Caribbean.

Cuba's endeavour to attract international investors capitalizes on the island's vast agricultural potential, with a focus in enhancing productivity and supply chains in the livestock sector to mitigate the heavy burden of food import costs. The investment drive underscores Cuba's commitment to sustainable agricultural development and food security.