
The EX-Ante Carbon balance Tool (EX-ACT) team of the FAO Agrifood Economics and Policy Division has recently performed two missions to reinforced ties with international financing institutions (IFIs) in the context of greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting in the agriculture, forestry...

From 25 to 26 April 2024, FAO, alongside IFPRI and the University of Notre Dame, co-organized and participated in a pivotal event...

From 9 to 12 April 2024, the picturesque city of Leuven, Belgium, hosted the 5th Global Food Security Conference, themed "Towards Equitable, Sustainable, and Resilient Food Systems." This vital gathering brought together experts, policymakers, and industry leaders to...

Developing policies for inclusive rural transformation processes requires a deeper understanding of how climate change impacts vulnerable rural populations, such as women, youth, and those in poverty. However, there's insufficient multi-country evidence on how weather shocks and climate change influence...

As part of the implementation of the Global Sustainable Cocoa Initiative (SCI), and in alignment with coordinated efforts to advance the living income (LI) concept, FAO is collaborating with the Joint Research Centre (JRC), Seville, on a LI study focusing...

Building upon the achievements of its previous three conferences, and in commemoration of its 20th anniversary, The Global Environmental Facility (GEF)’s Independent Evaluation Office gathered distinguished speakers and participants from 5 to 7 March in Washington...

A recent webinar held by the Technical Network on Poverty Analysis (THINK-PA) presented a paper titled "New distribution sensitive index for measuring welfare, poverty and inequality", where experts delve into innovative methods for evaluating poverty and...

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recently carried out a mission to Cuba that delved into the island nation's burgeoning agricultural sector, unveiling a series of investment initiatives aimed at boosting the country's agricultural productivity and...

A recent study published in Spanish by FAO and entitled “Tipología de microrregiones en el sector agrícola de Guatemala: Una herramienta para priorizar inversiones en el marco de la Iniciativa Mano de la Mano” has unveiled an in-depth...

Responding to calls by the 28th Committee on Agriculture and Member requests to reinforce FAO’s strategic foresight capacity, FAO is systematically conducting foresight exercises at corporate, regional, subregional and country levels for the transformation of agrifood systems. This article...