اقتصاد النظم الزراعية والغذائية


سلسلة المطبوعات

أحدث المنشورات

مقالات صحفية, 2002
We investigate long-term productivity trends in a representative intensive rice cropping system using periodic farm level survey data spanning more than 20 years of the Green Revolution in two rice bowls of the Philippines. Estimation...
متاح باللغات: English
مقالات صحفية, 2002
This article explores the role of migrant networks in Mexican rural out-migration focusing on how network composition influences rural-to-rural, rural-to-urban, and rural-to-international migration. Using data from rural Mexico, migration is considered in a multiple-choice context...
متاح باللغات: English
مقالات صحفية, 2002
The paper clarifies the “meso-economy” concept by defining it as comprising both the market mechanisms and administrative procedures through which policy decisions and market signals trickle down to the household level. Three main bodies of...
متاح باللغات: English
مقالات صحفية, 2002
Golden rice (GR) is a new rice variety that has been genetically modified to contain beta-carotene, a source of vA. This modification was undertaken as a strategy to address VAD, which is widespread in less...
متاح باللغات: English
مقالات صحفية, 2002
The world rice market has been unstable for much of its post-world war II history, with prices volatile and the availability of supplies uncertain. These characteristics, exemplified by the world food crisis of the mid-1970s,...
متاح باللغات: English
مقالات صحفية, 2002
In recent years, there has been increasing emphasis in the rural development literature on the multiple income-generating activities undertaken by rural households and the importance of assets in determining the capacity to undertake these activities. Controlling for endogeneity...
متاح باللغات: English
مقالات صحفية, 2002
Urbanization and globalization may enhance access to non traditional foods as a result of changing prices and production practices, as well as trade and marketing practices. These forces have influenced dietary patterns throughout the developing...
متاح باللغات: English
مقالات صحفية, 2001
Cash transfer programs induce multiplier effects when recipients put the money they receive to work to generate additional income. The ultimate income effects are multiples of the amounts transferred. This paper analyzes the PROCAMPO program...
متاح باللغات: English
مقالات صحفية, 2001
International trade agreements are pushing the world in the direction of free trade. But price stabilization, which is inconsistent with completely free trade, remains important in developing Asia because of the large share of rice...
متاح باللغات: English
مقالات صحفية, 2000
Since 1988 the ejido sector in Mexico has been buffeted by a series of policy changes and exogenous shocks that have brought into question the agricultural viability of the sector as a whole. These changes...
متاح باللغات: English