اقتصاد النظم الزراعية والغذائية


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FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 24
موجز سياسات, 2020
Notwithstanding an increasing demand for their derived products, roots and tubers value chains in Africa remain loose, fragmented and informal, and many market opportunities remain unexploited. Some encouraging new investment initiatives in roots and tubers...
متاح باللغات: English
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 23
موجز سياسات, 2020
Even if roots and tubers are generally tolerant to poor soils and droughts, they can be affected by climate variability and change. In order to address climate risks, value chains’ actors require timely and accurate...
متاح باللغات: English
موجز سياسات, 2020
أدت الإجراءات المتبعة حول العالم لاحتواء جائحة كوفيد – 19 إلى انخفاض حاد ليس فقط في نقل البضائع والخدمات التي تعتمد على وسائل النقل، بل أدت كذلك إلى انخفاض حاد في معدلات الهجرة الداخلية والخارجية...
موجز سياسات, 2020
وعلى الرغم من أن جائحة كوفيد – 19 تٌدمر الأرواح وأنظمة الصحة العامة وسبل كسب العيش واقتصادات مختلف البلدان حول العالم، إلا أن الفئات السكانية التي تعيش في إطار الأزمات الغذائية هي الأكثر عرضةً لآثار...
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 22
موجز سياسات, 2020
It is projected that climate change will affect rainfall patterns in South Asia and will contribute to a decline in water availability for rice cultivation in the region. In Sri Lanka, where rice is both...
متاح باللغات: English
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 21
موجز سياسات, 2020
This brief details the three functional elements of climate vulnerability: risk exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity, in order to assess the interactions between participation in Malawi’s largest public works programme, the Malawi Social Action Fund...
متاح باللغات: English
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 20
موجز سياسات, 2020
This policy brief analyses institutional challenges faced by Guyana’s agricultural sector to promote diversification and development. Agricultural development in Guyana is strongly correlated with agricultural diversification, hence diversification strategies can be used to promote growth...
متاح باللغات: English
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 19
موجز سياسات, 2019
Food loss and waste reduction is considered important for improving food security and nutrition, promoting environmental sustainability and lowering production costs. However, it is not a given that reducing food loss and waste in any...
متاح باللغات: English
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 18
موجز سياسات, 2019
The high cost to Ecuador’s national budget of maintaining a minimum guaranteed producer price for rice led to the introduction of a price bracket system in 2017. The minimum support price policy and a complimentary...
متاح باللغات: English
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 17
موجز سياسات, 2019
This policy brief analyses Ecuador’s trade, productive and price policies for maize and their effect on farmers’ level of protection. The minimum support price enacted until 2017, turned out to be a non-operative policy due...
متاح باللغات: English