اقتصاد النظم الزراعية والغذائية


سلسلة المطبوعات

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Many a slip...
دليل/إرشادات, 2009
Recognition in the law does not, in itself, ensure that food will be available and accessible to all. To ensure that the right to food really means something, governments (in collaboration with civil society) need...
متاح باللغات: English
مقالات صحفية, 2009
This study uses regression analysis to evaluate the relationships among sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) averaged over the Niño-3.4 region (5°N–5°S, 120°–170°W), rainfall, and rice production, area harvested, and yield in Luzon, the large island...
متاح باللغات: English
دليل/إرشادات, 2009
In recent years, a number of countries have begun drafting specific legislation aimed at ensuring or promoting the realization of the right to food; these include Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Malawi, Mali,...
متاح باللغات: English
موجز سياسات, 2009
This policy brief seeks to inform negotiators where agriculture is situated in the current negotiations and provides some proposals on how it might be addressed in a global climate change agreement. It builds on the...
متاح باللغات: English
موجز سياسات, 2009
When emergency situations continue for years or even decades achieving food security becomes an overwhelming challenge. This policy brief aims at sharing insights, based on concrete evidence from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia...
متاح باللغات: English
ESA Working Paper 09-04
ورقة عمل, 2009
This paper has two main objectives. Firstly, it provides an overview of trends in the magnitude, location and nature of rural poverty, with emphasis on least developed countries. Secondly, it offers new evidence that advances...
متاح باللغات: English
موجز سياسات, 2009
Farming practices, which capture carbon and store it in agricultural soils, offer some of the most promising options for cost effective, early action on climate change in developing countries. These practices are already available and can have...
متاح باللغات: English
Evidence from Ghana, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Vietnam
مقالات صحفية, 2009
This paper assesses the current rural development practice against the main trends in recent rural development thinking, based on evidence from four country case studies. While much progress has been made in understanding the need...
متاح باللغات: English
كتاب/ فصل في كتاب, 2009
Two key challenges facing humanity today stem from changes within global food and climate systems. The 2008 food price crisis and global warming have brought food security and climate change to the top of the...
متاح باللغات: English
How can the right to food benefit indigenous peoples?
دراسة حالة قطرية, 2009
This paper analyses how right to food is relevant to indigenous peoples and how the implementation of the right to food can benefit them. It provides an overview on the international legal framework of indigenous...
متاح باللغات: English