اقتصاد النظم الزراعية والغذائية


سلسلة المطبوعات

أحدث المنشورات

Un análisis de escenarios prospectivos para Paraguay
دراسة فنية, 2022
Economía del desarrollo agrícola de la FAO – Estudio técnico N.o 19. Paraguay mostró un crecimiento económico importante entre el 2010 y el 2019, a pesar de cierta contracción en el 2019, en el cual la...
متاح باللغات: Español
موجز سياسات, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 52. This brief presents prospective scenarios that provide information on where, within Paraguayan agriculture, the few public investment resources that would be allocated to the sector should be prioritized....
متاح باللغات: English Español
إعادة توجيه السياسات الغذائية والزراعية لزيادة القدرة على تحمل كلفة الأنماط الغذائية الصحية
تقرير رئيسي, 2022
ينبغي أن يُبدد تقرير هذا العام أي شكوك لا تزال عالقة بشأن انتكاس جهود العالم نحو القضاء على الجوع وانعدام الأمن الغذائي وسوء التغذية بجميع أشكاله. ولم تعد تفصلنا حاليًا سوى ثماني سنوات عن عام...
Leveraging social protection to enhance farmers’ climate adaptive capacities
منتج إعلامي, 2022
This brief explores new evidence on the relationships between social protection and farmer resilience to drought-related shocks through adopting adaptive agricultural practices. The main aim is to identify challenges and opportunities to implement integrated strategies...
متاح باللغات: English
دراسة فنية, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Studies, No. 18. Structural change is a process in which the amount of labour, capital and land dedicated to agriculture (and other sectors) changes over time. In this study, we focus...
متاح باللغات: English
موجز سياسات, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 51. The findings in this brief have been adapted from the FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 22-08 Enhancing refugees’ self-reliance in Uganda – The role of cash and...
متاح باللغات: English
The role of cash and food assistance
ورقة عمل, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper, No. 22-08. Social protection transfers are the most widespread measures adopted to stabilize refugee households’ livelihoods and alleviate their food insecurity. This paper contributes to the literature on the effectiveness...
متاح باللغات: English
Technical note
دراسة حالة قطرية, 2022
The livestock sector accounts for about 17 percent of agricultural value added and 4.3 percent of Ugandan GDP. Among the livestock subsectors, cattle is the most important one, as Uganda has 14.2 million cattle, of...
متاح باللغات: English
موجز سياسات, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 50. Guyana’s agrifood systems are facing an increasing level of risk: rising sea-levels are eroding its coastal area, where much of the agricultural activity is located; recent off-shore oil...
متاح باللغات: English
ورقة عمل, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper, No. 22-07. Guyana’s agrifood systems are facing an increasing level of risk: rising sea-levels are eroding its coastal area, where much of the agricultural activity is located; recent off-shore oil...
متاح باللغات: English