اقتصاد النظم الزراعية والغذائية

EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for coastal wetlands, fisheries and aquaculture management

السنة: 2017
الكاتب: FAO
This manual explains how to use the EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool known as “EX-ACT” to estimate the impacts of management activities in coastal wetlands, aquaculture and fisheries on projects GHG balance. EX-ACT enables investment planners to design program activities that target high return outcomes in terms of climate change mitigation, and is intended to complement conventional ex-ante economic analysis.
متاح باللغات: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i8342e.pdf
موضوع: المناخ
نوع المنشور: دليل/إرشادات