اقتصاد النظم الزراعية والغذائية

Cocoa value chain analysis in Haiti

EX-ACT value chain case study
السنة: 2019
الكاتب: FAO
This report is a case study of a multi-impact appraisal of a cacao value chain in Haiti. The value chain is analysed from production to the distribution of rice to retailers, comparing the performance of an upgrading scenario to a baseline scenario. In the present case, cocoa is grown in the traditional form with low levels of agroforestry application. With the project, new agroforestry cocoa plantations are developed on degraded land and in existing plantations, agricultural practices are improved to increase yield and producers are trained in existing plantations to effectively utilize fermentation practices. The implementation of the project will lead to mitigation of 552 tCO2-e per year, creating an emission sink of 0.8 tCO2-e per hectare per year for the entire project area.
موضوع: المناخ
نوع المنشور: دراسة حالة قطرية
بلد: Haiti
المنطقة: Latin America and the Caribbean