اقتصاد النظم الزراعية والغذائية

Upscaling innovative rainwater management in rainfed agriculture

السنة: 2020
الكاتب: FAO

FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 33.

Rainfed agriculture accounts for more than half of the world’s food production but is facing increasing precipitation variability, driven by climate change. Achieving zero hunger will require improvements in rainwater management to increase productivity. About 45 percent of global rainfed cropland is still under low-input production systems. These are concentrated mostly in lower-income countries, which face multiple challenges in addressing the growing water shortages. Improved water management practices must be combined with the best agronomic practices for enhanced effectiveness. These processes can be supported by expanding and digitizing extension services, as well as by government investments and assistance to farmers.

The findings in this brief have been adapted from the FAO report The State of Food and Agriculture 2020. Overcoming water challenges in agriculture.

نوع المنشور: موجز سياسات
المنطقة: Global