اقتصاد النظم الزراعية والغذائية

Agricultural yields and production in the Comoros

السنة: 2023
الكاتب: FAO

FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 69. This policy brief provides a snapshot of agricultural production, productivity and fertilizer use in the Comoros, a small island developing state, where up-to-date information on the agrifood systems has been lacking. In 2021, FAO, in cooperation with the Comorian Ministry of Agriculture collected representative and spatially detailed data at the micro-level on agriculture, food security and poverty. The results show that banana and cassava are the most important crops in terms of agricultural production and yields. For most of the yields, estimates are low or almost half compared to the average yields observed in other countries. This is likely due to the practices applied by producers, notably the non-optimization of agricultural inputs, the prevalence of manual farming, an aging agricultural workforce and low levels of literacy.

نوع المنشور: موجز سياسات
بلد: Comoros
المنطقة: Africa