اقتصاد النظم الزراعية والغذائية

A review of existing food security and nutrition aid trackers

Background note
السنة: 2024
الكاتب: Eber Rose, M., Laborde, D., Lefebvre, L., Olivetti, E. & Smaller, C.
الناشر: FAO and Shamba Centre for Food & Climate

This background note maps and reviews 19 trackers – 16 official development assistance (ODA) trackers and three non-ODA trackers – to inform the design of a new tracker for donors to better analyse their spending and build a more coherent framework to measure ODA for food security and nutrition. The background note identifies strengths and gaps in current trackers, as well as their features and tools, to determine the desirability and value added of a new tracker, as well as to inform its technical design. There are already multiple trackers, each covering different parts of the data and uncovering different parts of the aid story. The mapping presented in this background note is a useful first step to determine the value added of the new tracker compared to the existing tools and to inform its final design.

متاح باللغات: https://doi.org/10.4060/cd2180en
نوع المنشور: منتج إعلامي
المنطقة: Global
ISBN: 978-92-5-139069-6