Agrifood Economics

Legal aspects of contract farming agreements – Synthesis of the UNIDROIT-FAO-IFAD Legal Guide on Contract Farming

Year: 2017
This document is primarily a synthesis of the UNIDROIT/FAO/IFAD Legal Guide on Contract Farming ( It is a comprehensive document that considers contract farming from the viewpoint of private law and seeks to provide guidance concerning the design and implementation of sound contracts, thereby generally contributing to building a conducive environment for contract farming. The publication does not intend to cover all possible agricultural contracts. Its scope is limited to the bilateral relationship between producer(s) and a contractor through contract farming. This involves parties entering into a contract that could be established for a fixed term, for one production cycle, for several or many cycles or years, or for an indefinite period. The document aims to provide advice to promote harmonious relations among all parties involved in contracts and those advising them.
Publication type: Information product