Agrifood Economics

Report of the adaptation and pre-testing of household food security monitoring tools: the Kenya experience

Year: 2006
Author(s): Alice Mboganie Mwangi, Gloria Mbera
Kenya is one of the focus countries of the EC/FAO Programme “Food Security Information for Action” whose broad objectives are to improve availability and quality of relevant food security information, reinforce capacity in formulating food security policies, strategies and programming based on food insecurity and vulnerability information, raise awareness of governments, local actors and international community, on the impact of food insecurity and poverty on related policies. The challenge, however, is that there are few standardized indicators of food security at household level; the dimensions of household access to food and food consumption are insufficiently taken into consideration in information systems. To compensate for this lack, systems often rely on anthropometric indicators (malnutrition in pre-school children) which are late stage and non-specific outcomes of food deficits. It is with this background that the FAO Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division, through the EC/FAO Programme, is providing training and technical assistance for the adaptation, use, analysis and interpretation of simple household food and nutrition security monitoring tools.
Publication type: Country case study