Agrifood Economics

State food provisioning as social protection

Debating India’s national food security law
Year: 2015
Author(s): Harsh Mander

This book provides an overview of the most important debates which ensued in the four and a half years of the official writing and consideration of the India’s National Food Security Act food law, which legally binds national and state governments to extend far-reaching social protection to the country’s population. These debates cover several questions about the nature and extent of the state’s duties and possible strategies for food provisioning as part of a larger framework of social protection. The India case study is seen as a fit case for global discussion, because India decreed an important and ambitious food security and social protection law, which was preceded by years of interventions by the Supreme Court, large-scale civic action, and many heated discussions which have few parallels anywhere in the world.

Publication type: Country case study
Country coverage: India
Region: Asia and the Pacific