Economía Agroalimentaria

Ten years of the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency – An FAO evaluation of the Agency’s impact on agricultural growth and poverty reduction

Año: 2020
Autor(es): FAO

This brief summarize the findings of the report "Ten years of the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency – An FAO evaluation of the Agency’s impact on agricultural growth and poverty reduction".

This evaluation finds that ATA has achieved many of the outcomes it is being measured against, in terms of input use, extension services, and agricultural technology. The outcomes observed point to the effective removal of bottlenecks in the rural agricultural economy that have improved the linkages between producers, input markets and agricultural services. The improvements in those priority areas are reflected in productivity gains for certain priority crops and in market orientation positions that confirm ATA’s effectiveness in connecting producers to markets. FAO’s evaluation finds positive macroeconomic effects from ATA interventions, helping to ameliorate the reduction in gross domestic product growth, and also supporting the development of agroindustry and transportation services.

The full FAO report is available here: "Ten years of the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency: An FAO evaluation of the Agency’s impact on agricultural growth and poverty reduction"

Tipo de documento: Estudio de casos de país
País: Ethiopia
Región: Africa