Economía Agroalimentaria

Acting on food insecurity and malnutrition: Food security commitment and capacity profile

Methodology Paper 2014
Año: 2014
Autor(es): FAO
The food security commitment and capacity profile (FSCCP) is a tool that was developed by FAO to assess and track performance of national authorities in terms of their commitment and capacity to act on food insecurity and malnutrition. Development of the FSCCP methodology began in 2012 and involved field-testing and extensive collaboration with − and feedback from − various stakeholders within FAO and at country level. The methodology has since been adopted by FAO as an integral part of the Organization’s new corporate framework for monitoring results related to the Organizations’ Strategic Objective on the Eradication of Hunger, Food Insecurity and Malnutrition.
Tipo de documento: Libro/capítulo de un libro