Économie agroalimentaire

Remédier à la pénurie d’eau dans l’agriculture: en quoi les pratiques indigènes ou traditionnelles peuvent-elles aider?

Rapport d'activité du Forum FSN N° 151
Année: 2018
Auteur(s): Forum FSN de la FAO
This document summarizes the online discussion "Addressing water scarcity in agriculture: how can indigenous or traditional practices help?", which was held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 12 June to 6 July 2018. The discussion was facilitated by Patrick Bahal’okwibale from FAO, Ethiopia and Jean-Marc Mwenge Kahinda from CSIR, South Africa and aimed at exploring the role that indigenous and traditional practices can play to support climate change adaptation efforts and reduce water scarcity in agriculture.
Type de document: Étude de cas par pays