Économie agroalimentaire

Food security and resilience of refugees and host communities in south-west Uganda

FAO resilience analysis report No.19
Année: 2019
Auteur(s): Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis (RIMA) Team, FAO
In collaboration with the Resilience Measurement Unit under the Office of the Prime Minister in Uganda, the report compiles information on the status of food security and resilience of refugee and host community households in Kamwenge and Kyegewa districts of south-west Uganda. The programme recommendations highlighted in the report aims to inform or update strategies developed by relevant stakeholders in Uganda, to guide programme implementation that would strengthen resilience of both refugee households and host community households in this area, including guiding refugees from relying on humanitarian assistance to self-reliance.
Thème: Résilience
Type de document: Étude technique
Pays++++: Uganda
Région: Africa