Économie agroalimentaire

Agriculture, food security and climate change in post-Copenhagen processes

An information note
Année: 2010
Auteur(s): FAO
On the road to Copenhagen, agriculture emerged as a key area for mitigation action, particularly in developing countries. A dedicated drafting group was eventually established to negotiate a draft text on “Cooperative sectoral approaches and sector-specific actions in agriculture”, under a broader section on mitigation. This text still contained quite a few brackets when the work of the AWG-LCA finished on 15 December. A group of negotiators continued informally to meet and negotiate on the text during the high level segment of the Conference. Brackets were nearly eliminated and consensus on the establishment of a SBSTA work programme on agriculture was achieved. However, no formal action was taken on this text in Copenhagen and the official text on the table is the earlier text, annexed to the report of the AWG-LCA on its eighth session (document FCCC/AWGLCA/2009/17).
Type de document: Note de politique