Économie agroalimentaire

Linking improved food security and livelihoods to agriculture development and pro-poor growth in Liberia

Année: 2007
Auteur(s): Mariam Sow, James Tefft
This report reviews gender issues in Liberia’s agriculture and rural sector with a special focus on rural women and how to improve their participation and contribution to rural development. The report reviews women’s roles in agriculture and the rural economy; their access to key inputs and services which are essential to carry out their socio-economic role in rural areas; as well as gender related social trends and problems that may have an impact on productivity and poverty reduction in rural areas. The assessment also reviews the institutional and policy framework for agriculture and rural development and identifies opportunities to improve the rural sector’s capacity to address gender issues and support female farmers and rural entrepreneurs. The findings and recommendations will inform the reform of the sector, currently underway, and thereby support the Government of Liberia (GoL) poverty reduction effort and the implementation of the IPRSP
Type de document: Articles de presse
ISBN: 30724