Агропродовольственная экономика

Guiding questions for contract analysis

Год: 2018
Автор: FAO
In contract farming schemes, the process of developing the contract is very important for building long-lasting trust between farmers and buyers. As a common best practice, the whole contract formation process should be carried out in a fair and transparent manner and in good faith. A good practice is for farmers to be involved in discussions with the buyer from the beginning of the negotiation and contract formation phases, to make sure they understand all the conditions included in the contract, and to ensure that their interests and rights are considered. The following questions aim to serve as a guiding tool for analyzing contracts and can be used by all involved parties. The signing of the contract should only take place after a full agreement on all the conditions has been reached and the negotiation phase is completed.
Тип публикации: Информационный продукт