Агропродовольственная экономика

Exigibilidade: Mechanisms to claim the human right to adequate food in Brazil

Год: 2010
Автор: Thaís Franceschini, Valéria Burity, Luisa Cruz

The Portuguese word – exigibilidade – which, in its Spanish form (‘exigibilidad’), is used by different human rights organizations in Latin America and means the possibility of claiming rights before competent public institutions –administrative, political or judicial– so as to prevent or redress violations of such rights. Furthermore, in addition to the right to claim, the concept of exigibilidad or exigibilidade includes the right to have a timely response and action on the part of public authorities with a view to providing a remedy to the given violation. In practice, one cannot talk about human rights and exclude claim mechanisms or exigibilidade. Fundamental to the effective realization of human rights is right holders’ entitlement to demand the fulfilment of such rights. Each state has the obligation to develop and provide appropriate mechanisms to ensure that all those residing in its territory have access to procedures for claiming their rights. The past six years have witnessed important institutional advances towards the development of claim mechanisms for the realization of the human right to adequate food in Brazil. This was due in particular to international and domestic political scenarios that clearly favoured expanding and intensifying the debate on the fight against hunger and the implementation of the right to food.

ISBN: 30717