Агропродовольственная экономика

Analysis of public expenditure in support of food and agriculture in Benin, 2008-2018

Technical note
Год: 2020
Автор: Renata Baborska, Paul Cathala and Sorel Visoh

This technical note analyses the amount of public expenditure assigned to food and agriculture in Benin, as well as how the government allocates its total spending. The 10-years analysis (2008-2018) found that although Benin has increased its spending on food and agriculture over that period, it is still below the 10 percent target set out in the Maputo Declaration. It also found an underspend in agriculture in 2017 and 2018 due to delays in operationalizing the new sectorial strategy. On export crops, cotton remains highly subsidized. The technical note concludes on the importance of diversifying export crops and developing value chains through investments in processing and marketing.

Страна: Benin
Регион: Africa