Financial resource flows to agriculture. A review of data on government spending, official development assistance and foreign direct investment
ESA Working Paper 11-19

Год: 2011
This paper reviews four international datasets and one regional dataset which allow us to consider the magnitude of and trends in government spending on, official development assistance (ODA) to and foreign direct investment (FDI) in agriculture, forestry and fishing and, in some cases, other relevant sectors. These datasets represent the most current and comprehensive data available on resource flows to agriculture. Two of the datasets have not yet been made freely available to the public. Although the existing data do not permit consideration of several important issues, they do allow us to better understand trends in resource flows to agriculture and we are able to draw some conclusions including the following.
Тема: Investments
Тип публикации: Рабочий документ
Регион: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
JEL codes: F35, F21, O19, Q14, Q18