
How can value chains be shaped to improve nutrition?

FSN Forum summary
年份: 2017
作者: FAO FSN Forum
This document summarizes the online consultation How can value chains be shaped to improve nutrition? which was held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 27 March to 19 April 2017. The consultation was facilitated by the Working Group on Nutrition-Sensitive Value Chains of the Rome-based Agencies (FAO, IFAD, WFP and Bioversity International). The aim of the consultation was to identify challenges and opportunities related to nutrition-sensitive value chain (NSVC) development. Participants discussed their experiences related to past or ongoing NSVC experiences on the ground, and were also invited to comment on the discussion paper “Inclusive value chains for sustainable agriculture and scaled up food security and nutrition outcomes” by the Working Group on Nutrition-Sensitive Value Chains of the Rome-based Agencies. Over the three weeks of discussion, participants from 25 countries shared 52 contributions.
出版物类别: 国别案例研究