
Paving the way to build the resilience of men and women. How to conduct a gender analysis of resilience

FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 19-01
年份: 2019
作者: Gayatri Koolwal, Marco D’Errico and Ilaria Sisto
Despite significant recent improvements in measuring resilience, there are still relevant gaps in the analysis. One of the relatively unexplored aspects of resilience is whether a gender specific analysis of resilience capacity can become relevant for policy use. This paper contributes to the literature on resilience by analysing a data set with one of the most adopted resilience indicators and highlighting the emerging gaps.
主题: 韧性
出版物类别: 工作文件
ISBN: 978-92-5-131299-5
ISSN: 2521-1838
JEL codes: C01; C23; I32